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My final piece of House on Fire at Left Bank, Leeds. I have projected my videos onto the ceiling from 3 different positions and angles. I also have the photographs scattered on the floor and some in frames up the stairs.

This is the recording that I have taken of my Mam reading out the newspaper article about the house fire. I think that this had worked very well as she has spoken with quite a monotone and this will be a great addition to my final show of artwork.

Even though my work is very personal to me, I feel that the videos I have produced are very abstract and the audience of my artwork will not have much of an insight of what actually happened and how close this event actually is to me and my family. Due to this I have came up with the idea to add a sound piece. While looking through my photo album, I realised that my Mam had actually saved the newspaper from the day that the house fire had an article wrote about it which was Wednesday 7th November 2001.

I am going to record my Mam reading out this newspaper article and then have it playing on an iPod on repeat so that people viewing my work can experience the whole story and tell them exactly why I have created the artwork that I have.

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